Captain’s (B)Log: Friday 10th of May 2019

People have been out and about this week with just one week to go until the release of Kate's new album Philosophers, Poets and Kings.

Kate has been for chat on the Folk Show with Mark Radcliffe on Radio 2 over in Manchester which was a lovely catch up and they played three tracks from the new album.

If you missed it, you can listen again here: 

Kate also went with Damien to Bilbao where Damien was performing with his band at The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum and they ate a lot of pintxos (nibbly snacky things).

And as if Damien didn't have enough on, he's been down to that London to take part in Keira Martin's show at the Sadlers Wells Theatre along with our friend and yours...Michael Walsh:   

Back on the hill we are all working on the build up the album release and making sure we've remembered everything...and tracking down that elusive vinyl!

Earworm of the week: 'Happy Birthday dear Joy...'

This week’s teabag count: 73 and some cake, not bad going for a bank holiday week!

Lyric of the Week: “If it wasn’t for wine we couldn’t sing, of Philosophers, poets and kings." 

More next week…