Well today is a day off from Kate's Christmas tour so it's a small window of opportunity for people to get their own trees up and that is indeed what Kate's doing today.
Earlier in the week, we also had the Pure Records Christmas Dinner at one of our favourite places, Yummy Yorkshire's Hide and Hoof Restaurant and a good time was had by all. 🎄✨
Tour support back at HQ has also involved having an early morning drive back to Warrington to deliver the crew bus key that accidentally came back to Pure Records HQ late one night without the actual tour bus...oops! It meant the crew had an unexpected overnight stay in Warrington - sorry guys!
Meanwhile the resident elves (Steve and Joy) are being kept busy packing orders in the back room, delivering sack loads to the post office on a daily basis and they’ll carry on throughout next week too (19th & 20th 1st class). Regular cups of tea and mince pies help fuel the work and Christmas music of the Kate variety of course.
Earworm of the week: ''Wassailing Song"
This week’s teabag count: 73 - the band called in on passing.
Steve’s Appearance of the Week: Steve was spotted in the back of Kate's car singing along to Kate's Karaoke Car Cam this week, have a look on Kate's socials.
More next week…