This week has been full on for a couple of us holding the fort whilst many are off for some family time for school half term holidays....that does mean that the teabag count is down.
We did manage to catch Kate and her new allotment plot video amongst her busy schedule this week. Have a look on Kate's facebook page, it's quite amusing. She's going to grow stuff in her Proclaimers' Plot (There's labels and everything!) , especially for our visitors coming to Underneath the Stars Festival this year, 2nd to 4th August. So we're looking forward to seeing what pops up when there's 'Sunshine on Leaf' (see what she did there?...)
On a more serious note, we've been juggling the logistics of some filming days to go with Kate's new album release which is getting scarily close with so much to do! We're planning to film three of the new tracks locally and it's all quite exciting - we may even need extras so keep your eyes peeled...
... and we're not even going to mention that there are Christmas dates coming in already! Shhhhh.
Earworm of the week: Sunshine on Leith! (Leaf)
This week’s teabag count: 27 ...Joy's done her best...
Sally’s nugget of wisdom: Don't concentrate on what you eat between Christmas and New Year, concentrate on what you eat between New Year and Christmas...think on.
More next week…