Captain’s (B)Log: Friday 24th of May 2019

Aaaaaand the vinyl VINYLLY arrived after its long adventure. And it really is amazing just how pink it is! it's like a massive Liquorice Allsort which you can't eat but you can pop on a turntable and play lovely music!
So, needless to say, we've been adding vinyl to our mountain of packing and posting this week and they should be plopping on doorsteps around!
we should check which one wins the prize for furthest travelled...
In other news - as if pink vinyl wasn't enough - we've had the band here for more of the spring tour so that's been lovely to see everyone...and we've given them extra work seeing as they're all here. (More about that later.)

Earworm of the week: 'The vinyl countdown'

This week’s teabag count: 93 (the band are here)

Lyric of the Week: "The butler swallowed his laughter and slyly winked at the cook.” 

More next week…